Transform Existing Home Water Heating for the Better with an AquaCore Hot Water Heat Pump

Amidst the push for more sustainable and healthy homes, domestic water heating has been highlighted as a significant area where people can save money and reduce emissions. This is where the AquaCore Hot Water Heat Pump steps in, operating at an efficiency of over 300% compared to traditional direct electric and gas systems. Retrofitting existing water heating systems with an AquaCore offers numerous benefits and is easier than it first may appear.

Save on Heating Costs

Retrofitting an AquaCore to provide hot water heating significantly enhances energy efficiency compared to traditional systems. Instead of converting electrical energy to heat energy directly (a COP of 1), this system uses heat pump technology to extract energy from the surrounding air, drastically reducing electricity consumption at a COP of 3.6, meaning for every 1kW of electrical input energy, the AquaCore provides 3.6kW of heat output.

Enjoy a Fast Return on Investment

Because the Black Diamond AquaCore makes water heating so efficient, the estimated return on investment for homeowners, when compared to a gas or direct electric heating system, could be as low as three years!**

Repurpose Existing Electric Cylinders with Faster Recovery Times

The AquaCore Hot Water Heat Pump is designed to integrate easily with existing or new hot water cylinders. By repurposing an existing cylinder, homeowners can benefit from capital cost savings on retrofits while reducing waste.

Furthermore, the switch to AquaCore offers fast hot water recovery even with an existing cylinder. This is because when hot water is used from a cylinder in the home, it takes water from the top. A traditional electric system uses electric immersion elements to heat cold water, which are at the bottom of the cylinder; as a result, it can take hours for hot water to be available at the top of the tank where it is drawn off.

With an AquaCore system, water is heated to 62°C by the indoor unit and is pumped directly into the top of the cylinder; therefore, hot water is ready to use straight away.

Compact Unit for Versatile Installation Options

The AquaCore is designed with simplicity in mind. It offers flexible configurations due to 3 cable entry ports on each side as well as the bottom, and a compact indoor unit that can easily be fitted into hot water cupboards, garages, or even specially designed waterproof housing outside. Pair this with an existing or new third-party indoor or outdoor cylinder, and the AquaCore can suit most New Zealand homes.

Homeowners can enjoy reduced utility bills without the hassle of extensive renovations or complex setups.

More Environmentally Friendly

Retrofitting with an AquaCore Hot Water Heat Pump aligns with environmentally friendly living by reducing carbon emissions and reliance on non-renewable resources such as gas. A hot water heat pump can produce up to three times less greenhouse gas emissions than traditional electric hot water heaters. Then compare this low carbon system to an instant gas hot water system, and realize a staggering seven-fold reduction in emissions!

In addition, the high efficiency reduces the load on New Zealand’s electricity grid. For every 1kW of output, the AquaCore Hot Water Heat Pump produces an impressive 3.6kW of heating output. For those looking to reduce their reliance on the grid, AquaCore’s smart controller has low draw settings, which is perfect for offsetting with solar PV.

The straightforward transition to these systems reduces the environmental impact without sacrificing comfort.

It’s Time for New Zealanders to Make the Switch!

Replacing direct electric or gas water heating systems with a Black Diamond AquaCore Hot Water Heat Pump System presents a straightforward and practical retrofit solution for homeowners seeking to embrace sustainability and reduce heating costs.

With benefits spanning energy savings, cost-effectiveness, flexibility, and environmental friendliness, adopting the locally developed and tested AquaCore Hot Water Heat Pump is a practical and accessible choice for New Zealand households.

Contact us today to discuss Black Diamond AquaCore for your home or how this hot water heat pump technology can expand your business offering.

*Performance will vary based on ambient conditions, water inlet temperature, installation type etc.
**Payback period comparison based on average energy supplier costs per kWh. Actual savings may vary in line with gas and electricity price fluctuations, seasonal conditions and usage. This is an estimate only.
† Based on electrical and gas emission factor for New Zealand.